Trademark scams take all forms, unfortunately. They come by snail mail, by email, by telephone, and via websites.

Here are some tips to help avoid these scams.

Phone Calls: USPTO will never ask for money over the phone. And if an attorney filed your application, USPTO should never call you directly. Be careful of spoofed phone numbers.

Tip: Ask to call them back at their directly line.

Letters: Many scammers use names and letterhead that look official, but are not. Check the fine print and the address.

Tip: USPTO headquarters are in Alexandria, VA

Emails: Beware of emails creating a sense of urgency because someone allegedly is alledly applying to register your business name. These are generally scams.

Tip: Check with a lawyer for more details.

Website: Be cautious of online filing services. Do they provide real contact or bio information?

Tip: Work with an experienced trademark attorney.

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