Trademark registration with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) provides tremendous value. Trademark registration provides a myriad of benefits to its owner:
- Use of the ® symbol wards off infringers and has USPTO legal protections
- Appearing in the USPTO online database, thus reducing the risk of competitors trying to adopt a similar name
- Creates a tangible asset for a business
- Establishes a basis for trademark rights in other countries and enhanced options for international protection
- May be recorded with US Customs and Border Patrol
- Ability to sue in US District Court
- Strengthens Cease and Desist letters to infringers
- Reduces the probability of being sued for infringement
- Conveys that your brand is legitimate and worthy of protection
In short, a trademark registration enhances the value and protection of your brand, and acts as insurance reducing the risk of getting involved in expensive disputes as either a plaintiff or a defendant.
Did You Know?
- Registration is even more valuable for small businesses, who do not have funds for litigation
- Working with an experienced trademark attorney improves the odds of success
- The application process takes more than a year on average
- You can begin the application process before making any sales
- The sooner you begin the application process the better