2023 was big year in the world of trademarks, with lots of changes and developments. The Supreme Court decided a trademark case in the spring, and recently heard a second case which has not yet been ruled on. The USPTO saw numerous major developments: the rollout of its new search system, the announcement of increased fees, and increased delays in filings. Scams continued to evolve in 2023, including scam phone calls. Trademark stories were frequently in the news, featuring brands from social media, major celebrities, and Taco Tuesday. (See video below for more)
2023 was also a busy year at EMP&A. Our clients received over 300 trademark registrations, we filed over 400 trademark applications at the USPTO, we launched an AI tool - ChatTM, our YouTube channel has over 100 new videos, while our Tricks of the Trademark podcast added over 50 new episodes. (See more in the Firm News, below.)
We couldn't have achieved any of this without our clients and community, and we look forward to continuing this trend of vibrant growth in 2024. Wishing you happy holidays and wonderful new year!
- Erik