There are many great descriptions and useful things on the pre-approved list, but it has significant limitations, particularly in many industries that are nuanced or complicated to describe. As a result, I generally avoid TEAS Plus applications and favor TEAS Standard applications. Today, a TEAS Standard application has a filing fee of $350 per class of goods or services. But, if you file a TEAS Standard you never have to worry about the penalty of failing to meet the requirements; if you file a TEAS Plus and you don’t meet the requirements at some point along the way, you are penalized $100 as wall as the additional time involved.
Due to the limitations for the description of goods and services – and the description of goods and services is a very important part of the application, and can be very important in dealing with likelihood of confusion arguments and differentiating one mark from another mark – I personally don’t like the risks and limitations of using TEAS Plus.