September 2019

Despite my best efforts, I find myself writing this on the final day of the month. September has been full of projects, hearings, briefs, registration renewals, new applications, kids starting school, softball tournaments, and much more. While all these things were important, one event stands out as likely to have the most impact on you, the business and brand owner.

Last week, I had the chance to testify at the USPTO at a hearing on proposed trademark fee increases. I spoke about the effect these increases would have on small businesses. You read more about my specific comments, and about how to submit your own, at my blog, or you can even listen them on my podcast. I believe the proposed increases are too large and will have a dramatic impact on small businesses that are the heart of our US economy. I also believe the USPTO needs to be more transparent when explaining the purported needs for the increases.

Comments for this round of the process are due to the USPTO today; but stay tuned as there will be other opportunities later in the process as well.

What are the "classes" of goods or services
in trademark application?

The year, we are celebrating 20 years of the firm! Join me to look back on some of the accomplishments:

  • 5 continents trademark applications filed on
  • 15+ client countries
  • 20 years
  • 25+ law student interns and mentees
  • 25+ presentations of conferences
  • 30+ pro bono clients
  • 50 client states
  • 50+ podcasts
  • 60+ videos
  • 100+ monthly newsletters
  • 1,000+ blog posts
  • 10,000+ tweets
  • 3,000+ client registrations
  • 100% flat all inclusive attorney fees for each trademark application

The Trademark Iceberg

A lot takes place out of view (underwater) when consumers see a strong protected and registered brand.  To build a strong a protected brand, don't focus on the part above the water, focus on the what goes on behind the scenes, the parts that consumers don't necessarily see.

Siren's Brew and Siren's Blend

Our client Mountains & Mermaids has received quite a bit of publicity recently regarding their ongoing dispute with Starbucks. It even made the front page of the Anchorage Daily News earlier this month!

We recently launched an Instagram account, you can follow it for the latest trademark tips and news:

If there are any topics or issues you would like to see covered here, let us know!

This publication has been prepared for the general information of clients and friends of the firm. It is not intended to provide legal advice with respect to any specific matter. Under rules applicable to the professional conduct of attorneys in various jurisdictions, it may be considered advertising material.

© 2019 Erik M. Pelton & Associates, PLLC.