On a recent trip to Rome, a city full of endless history and architecture, one thing struck me as central to all the great buildings: arches. From the first real buildings, to the Colosseum, to the medieval castles, and to the many bridges and aqueducts, archways were central to building large and lasting structures.
The most important part of any arch is the keystone. The center stone at the top of the arch is central to holding it together, supporting the weight above, and creating the entryway below. The Roman Colosseum that stood for centuries was essentially arch built upon arch. Without the keystone, the arches and the construction around them would not be possible, they are the heart of the architecture.
Registration of trademark is like the keystone for a brand's protection. Registration strengthens the protection immeasurably and makes everything else related to brand growth, expansion, and protection easier and better. It is the center stone upon which strong brand protection is generally resting.