Former USPTO examiner Erik Pelton shares tips and experiences drawn from two decades of counseling brands for maximum protection and growth.

Three Mistakes That Can Sink Any Trademark Application

Many trademark applications do not get approved, and often times for reasons that are within the applicant’s control. Listen as Erik explains the three common mistakes that applicants can avoid when applying for trademark registration at the US Patent and Trademark Office.

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Influencers Need Trademark Protection Too

Many influencers, despite building huge followings and generating revenue from their brand, have failed to protect some of their most valuable assets. Trademark protection is especially important for social media influencers. In this episode, Erik sheds light on this topic and shares examples why influencers ought to protect their brands.

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Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day and Neither is Trademark Protection

Solid trademark protection takes time to build and strengthen. A creative name is the first step in the journey. In this episode, Erik details the multiple steps that businesses should consider to create, build, and nurture strong brands.

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