A client forwarded me a recent letter about renewing their trademark registration from Trademark Renewal Services with an address at

1229 Chestnut Street, Front 1 #449

Philadelphia, PA 19107

See the image of their mailing below.

The document could easily be mistaken as coming from the government – the name, the look and feel of the document, the registration number.

The mailing is a scam because they sent it a full year before renewal could actually be filed. And because they lied about the renewal date and the registration date.

If this was a legitimate service at a reasonable value, why would they mask who they are, and why would they choose the odd (generic!) name of “Trademark Renewal Service”? Properly protecting trademarks – and trademark registrations – is more than just filling out a form. And for proper trademark registration renewals and Section 8 and 15 filings, calculating the dates and deadlines accurately is crucial.

Beware of such scams. Read the fine print. Contact your attorney. Report scams to the FTC and USPTO.

For more information, see USPTO’s WARNING: Non-USPTO Solicitations That May Resemble Official USPTO Communications

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11 thoughts on “Beware of trademark renewal scam from “Trademark Renewal Service” in Philadelphia, PA

  1. I got one in the mail today too. Red flag was no return address on the envelope and I actually have already been scammed once around my TM. The website also does not work when typed in.

  2. Today, I received a letter in the mail identical to the letter shown in this article. It’s the most convincing scam I’ve ever seen, and I’ve encountered dozens over the years. I immediately recognized it as fraudulent because I had already renewed my trademark. The letter arrived on September 23, just days before my trademark’s September 27 renewal date. This relates to the urgency associated with the request.

    I appreciate your ongoing support in identifying these scammers!

    • And 1229 Chestnut appears to be a residential apartment building, an unusual venue for a supposed “Trademark Renewal Service.” This may make it a bit easier to identify the scammer. I received a very similar letter during the first week of January 2025, so he/she/they are still scamming.

  3. Thank you very much for this PSA – I just got one in the mail here in Canada. They obviously time it well as we had some renewal deadlines / it is near front of mind lately.

    1st. clue was we received it 5 days after the supposed deadline. Then their contact number didnt work properly, it said in Spanish I had chosen the incorrect option (which was the only option offered). A quick google and your result comes up, thankfully.

    Thanks thanks thanks!

  4. Same experience here. My company is in norway.
    Recieved an identical letter, after “deadline”. I wrote a mail to them since i thought the letter was stuck in internal mail. Got a respond telling me i could just scan the letter with a signature and send it to them via email.
    Got a bit suspicious and checked uspto.gov. Noticed that the letters deadline was 1 year earlier than earliest renewal date.
    Found this post and im certain they tried to scam us.
    Thank you

  5. Thanks for sharing. Our company in Taiwan recently received exactly the same scam letter, and seeing your post gave us much more peace of mind.

  6. I just got one in the mail the other day. I was skeptical at first because the registration date is wrong off by a year (I registered officially in 2020, it said 2019) and when I got an email response this morning, how the email addressed “Hello Sir/Madam” was the last red flag I needed to know it was another “fake renewal” scam. Then I noticed the email was “Trademark Renewal Service Inc.” That’s not a very government type name either. Plus I never got a reminder email from USPTO about it either.

  7. I just received the exact letter today. I already assumed it was a scam because I received another scam attwmpt a few years ago that looked very legit. These jerks are so frustrating because the first one I almost fell for. Luckily I looked at my paperwork and realized the dates didn’t match.

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