A client was kind enough to forward me this recent offer he received from GLOBAL PATENTS & TRADEMARKS. The offer is to be published in their private database of trademarks for a cost of $2,890. Ironically, their offer contains a warning that their clients may receive offers from other companies who are not connected to GLOPAT. Just like US trademark applicants and registrations may received offers with little or no value from companies who are not connected to the USPTO.

This “publication” has no real value to trademark owners. I have never met a trademark professional who relies on any private directories for anything. They are incomplete and unofficial. They do not add to your trademark’s protection in any meaningful way. The offer is not cheap, and it is a complete waste of funds. Interestingly, their feature at least one of my trademark registrations in their ‘directory’ although I have certainly never paid them a cent. See http://glopat.net/Trademark_Detail?KNDID=1006644.

I have published their solicitation below. Their address is in the Slovak Republic.

If you have been taken by this scam, I suggest that you file a complaint with the FTC, write a letter to the USPTO Commissioner, and contact law enforcement.

Beware of such scams. Read the fine print. Contact your attorney. Report scams to the FTC and USPTO.

It continues to astound me that the USPTO, DOJ, FTC, and others refuse to better investigate and halt these blatant scams targeting trademark owners.


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