Unfortunately, I received a new scam in the mail this week. A few weeks after filing a new trademark application, the letter pictured below arrived. The postage and envelope were from Germany!

The scam is for a bogus publication that is worthless. And the cost for this “TM Service” from “EUUS TM Unique Service” is listed as 1460.00 US per year!

This “directory” has no real value. And their form, sent to recent trademark applicants, looks official. I have never heard any trademark professional recommend inclusion in such a publication; nor any trademark professional use such a publication for any research. Theses ‘publications’ are incomplete and unofficial. They do not add to your trademark’s protection in any meaningful way.

If you have been taken by this scam, I suggest that you file a complaint with the FTC, write a letter to the USPTO Commissioner, and contact law enforcement.

If you think you might have received a trademark scam letter or
solicitation, here are some tips:

  • Search the internet for information about the material you
    received. Use particular language or addresses from the material
    and place it in quotations (“ ”) to make the search more direct.
  • Contact an attorney if you have any questions.
  • Contact the USPTO if you do not have an attorney. The USPTO
    Trademark Assistance Center can be reached at 800-786-9199 or
    via email at TrademarkAssistanceCenter@uspto.gov.
  • Read the fine print. I know, the fine print is often quite difficult to
    read (intentionally), but it usually makes it clear that the letter is
    not from the government and it describes what the costs or
    invoice allegedly cover.
  • Be wary of requests to wire money to any bank, particularly a
    foreign one. Any such request should raise significant red flags.
    Try contacting the company that sent the letter via email or
    phone or online. Do they respond?
  • Don’t pay for trademark directory listings. No one uses them!
  • Check the list of “Non-USPTO Solicitations That May Resemble
    Official USPTO Communications” provided by the USPTO.
    Check the list of unofficial solicitations compiled by the World
    Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

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