The following is an edited transcript of my video 10 Reasons Why Lawyers Should Create Content.

Some lawyers and law firms express a fear of sharing their knowledge for free with potential clients that it might impact their ability to get new business. I think that law firms who refuse to share content are falling behind, and missing a key opportunity to deliver authenticity.

  1. To demonstrate that specific issues in your field of law are complex and that it may not be a good idea for the average person to try to tackle it on their own without an attorney.
  2. To demonstrate your knowledge, your expertise, and your experience—that’s going to translate to potential clients.
  3. It’s a way to help others. Not everybody needs to hire a lawyer. Some questions may be straightforward enough that getting information on a video is sufficient for some users to get their problem resolved.
  4. It’s a terrific marketing tool. You can use this content in your social media, newsletters, podcasts, video channels, etc.
  5. It’s great to help your existing clients with frequently asked questions. Dropping a link to a video that explains the topic is a nice way for the client to get information and saves our firm time.
  6. It’s a great branding tool. We take great pride in that because we work with brands for our clients, we like to use and show off our brand at the same time.
  7. To show authenticity. Through video people are seeing your face, hearing your voice, and starting to create a relationship. It shows I’m not perfect. You can see who I am, and you can see I’m not wearing a suit and tie. I’m being my authentic self here in my office.
  8. To share and show your passion to help connect with potential clients. It shows you’re having fun and you enjoy what you’re doing, which clients are going to appreciate and be a reason that they want to hire you.
  9. To connect with potential clients before they even contact you by phone or email.
  10. The utility of having all of this content, and videos in particular, for search engines and for marketing. YouTube is the number two search engine in the world (after Google) according to data and statistics.

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